The HSC conveys at a speed of 6 meters per second on a total length of 10 meters with output reaching up to 4000 bags/hour.
This conveyor is one of the most versatile and simplest machine developed for material handling. It provides for an economical transport of luggage and parcels for both – short and long haul connections. The HSC was developed specifically for linking two terminals.
Standard conveyors running with head drives are used for distances up to 10 meters where baggage and parcels are transported with a speed of 2.5 m/s. By upgrading this design to the next level, we have built a High Speed Conveyor. With no changes to the length and drive, material can now be transported with a speed of 6 m/s.
The corrugated structure of the belt-surface ensures a perfect grip between the belt and the baggage even at high speeds. The HSC reliably transports material weighing between 2kg up to 40 kg, but with higher throughput.